New Release

  • $34.00$52.00

    The sweetheart Hoya obovata variegated A classic beauty that you probably remember from your childhood. Wax plant or Hoya comes in hundreds of varieties and in the right condition they bloom perfectly geometrical flowers. Hoya obovata is a unique variety that have thick large, deep green oval leaves that often have a…

  • $24.00$42.00

    Tiger’s tooth or Philodendron Narrow Escape Philo Narrow comes from Central American jungles and produces long narrow stiff leaves. This is a really hardy variety of Philodendrons. If you are fond of plants that can bring in a feel of the deep forest into your home, this is the plant to consider. Care…

  • $24.00$42.00

    Striking Alocasia Reginula ‘Black Velvet’ If you are fond of all black foliage, this is the variety for you. These plants usually stay small and classy! Alocasia or Elephant’s ear is a large, evergreen perennial from damp sites in south and southeast Asia. It’s large arrow-shaped leaves come in a variety of…

  • $24.00$40.00

    Exotic Scindapsus Jade Scindapsus Jade or Dark belong to the Araceae family, and are commonly sold as Satin Pothos. This particular variety is a rare relative of Scindapsus pictus. These plants are locally grown and are perfect for beginners. This is a vining plant that loves to climb, and can be potted in a hanging…

  • $24.00$42.00

    Stunning Leaves of Rhaphidophora Decursiva Decursiva is robust climbing aroid with long aerial roots. In their natural habitat the leaves of this plant can grow up to 40 inches long. These plants are often categorized as Monstera, but despite having common descendants these are two different genera. You can use a moss…

  • $28.00$46.00

    Beautiful and Unique Monstera Siltepecana Siltepecana have narrow green leaves with silver-gray markings, much like the cebu-blue. Monsteras are often miscategorized as Philodendron but they are not from the same genus. As this plant matures it turns epiphytic, meaning it can grow on other things. Mature leaves can also develop…

  • $24.00$42.00

    Philodendron brandtianum Philodendron brandtianum, commonly known as the Silver-leaf Philodendron or simply Philo Brandi, is a unique and rare philodendron variety native to South America, particularly found in Brazil. It is characterized by its heart-shaped leaves with stunning silver-gray markings that shimmer in the light. Philo brandi loves to trail or climb. It thrives…

  • $46.00$64.00

    Epipremnum Pinnatum Albo Variegata Epipremnum Pinnatum Albo Variegata, a rare variety of Pothos, is a beautiful indoor plant known for its white variegation, unique fenestration, and vining foliage. The Albo variety leaves start small and lance shaped but widen and begin to fenestrate as they grow. Place in bright indirect light and be wary of…

  • $42.00$60.00

    Alocasia Baginda ‘Silver Dragon’ This rare Alocasia variety is known for its unique frosty and silvery leaf coloring. Alocasia or Elephant’s ear is a large, evergreen perennial from damp sites in south and southeast Asia. It’s large arrow-shaped leaves come in a variety of green hues overlaid with splotches of black,…


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